10 Cybersecurity Slogans to Remember

10 Cybersecurity Slogans to Remember
Every campaign uses slogans. We have all seen them; they are short, striking, or memorable phrases. The biggest use of slogans today is in advertising, but they are equally effective to use them in awareness campaigns. Below you will find some of the frequently used security slogans. Click here for some of our favorites as posters you can share throughout the year.
Security breaches are like bad weather. While you cannot stop one from striking your city, you can most definitely get ready for it.
If you suspect deceit, hit delete. Though it’s the easiest cybersecurity tip, it is also accurate. If an email, message, or voicemail seems dubious, don’t gamble. Before acting, delete, document, or validate the sender.
A long password is a strong one. Though you should keep your passwords as complex as possible, this basic advice will greatly enhance your password.
Passwords are like a toothbrush. Never lend them to others. Seeking a relevant approach to grab the interest of your colleagues and convey the password security message? With this reasoning, who would dispute? Find more on the latest password recommendations here.
Don’t let your garbage turn into a treasure for someone else. Frequent feeding of your shredder helps. In a world that is becoming increasingly digital, it’s easy to overlook the security concerns related to actual documentation. This motto emphasizes the need to keep private papers safe and prevents dumpster diving.
Think before you click. This motto emphasizes how one click on a phishing email or dangerous file could be all thieves need to acquire what they want.
Clean your desk and screen before you walk off the scene. Every time you leave, keep reminding yourself to lock your machine and lock up any sensitive notes from your desk.
Keep private data private. Perhaps your own will be the identity stolen and misused. Targeting personal data, cybercriminals build social engineering campaigns or even steal identities to access accounts. Guard all your personal data, including that of clients, colleagues, and even yourself.
See something, say something. Being a major contributor to your — or your company’s — security does not depend on your technical level of knowledge of cybersecurity. Report whatever you find, or witness.
Don’t take the bait. So simple yet so true. Phishing emails entice victims into acting quickly, before you have a choice to think it through. See these offers for what they are, phishing bait, and you can stop every attempt.
Changing culture requires a consistent message. Email reminders, screen savers, and physical posters keep security awareness in front of your employees and members.